ornamentalist英 [ɔ:nə'mentlɪst] 美 [ɔnə'mentlɪst]
ornamentalist[ ,ɔ:nə'mentəlist ]
- n.someone who decorates
An Ornamentalist Sculpture Workshop in BordeauxHet atelier van ornamentist Georges Houtstont (Parijs 1832 - Brussel 1912) in Sint-Gillis'Historia dye ist ein gezuyge der zijt . . .'1 Publications Books authored or co-authored: 1. Ruter, J. M. 1987. Plant Propagation Laboratory Manual. Ornamental HorticA Study of the Ornamental fish Breeders in India for Analysing the Constraints in Enhancing ProductionRoger MilliotIslamic Star PatternsJapan: Its Architecture, Art, and Art Manufactures by Christopher DresserIndependence Day and the CrownDer verdammte Baumeister