organismal英 [ɔ:gə'nɪzməl] 美 [ɔgə'nɪzməl]
organismal[ ɔ:gə'nizməl ]
- adj.of or relating to or belonging to an organism (considered as a whole)
GENE TREES AND ORGANISMAL HISTORIES: A PHYLOGENETIC APPROACH TO POPULATION BIOLOGY.From gene to organismal phylogeny: reconciled trees and the gene tree/species tree problem.Phenotypic flexibility and the evolution of organismal designA movement ecology paradigm for unifying organismal movement researchOrganismal, genetic, and transcriptional variation in the deeply sequenced gut microbiomes of identical twins.Miniaturization of Body Size: Organismal Consequences and Evolutionary SignificanceSenescent cells, tumor suppression, and organismal aging: good citizens, bad neighbors.The frailty of adaptive hypotheses for the origins of organismal complexityMitochondria and the Autophagy–Inflammation–Cell Death Axis in Organismal AgingPhotosynthesis and Calcification at Cellular, Organismal and Community Levels in Coral Reefs: A Review on Interactions and Control b...