ordinary train英 [ˈɔ:dinəri trein] 美 [ˈɔrdnˌɛri tren]
Jury Evaluation Test for Annoyance Response of KTX(Korea Train Express) and Ordinary Train NoiseInvestigation of Air Pollution in Hard Seat Carriage of Ordinary TrainStudy on Safety of Windows in Intersection of Ordinary Fast Train and EMUSound control lamp system on ordinary trainAn improved scheduling scheme for high-speed rail scenario where onboard-train users and ordinary users coexistAn Observation of a Circular Motion using Ordinary Appliances: Train Toy, Digital Camera, and Android based SmartphoneA consideration on the rating of train noise from ordinary railwaysOn the loudness of train noise from ordinary railwayANALYSIS OF THE RADIOLOGICAL RISKS OF TRANSPORTING SPENT FUEL AND RADIOACTIVE WASTES BY TRUCK AND BY ORDINARY AND SPECIAL TRAINSTeaching Exploration of Ordinary Gear Train