ordinary stock英 [ˈɔ:dinəri stɔk] 美 [ˈɔrdnˌɛri stɑk]
Predictability of ordinary stock returns at the Nairobi Stock Exchange in KenyaSTUDY THE EFFECT OF MACROECONOMIC VARIABLES AND SYSTEMATIC RISK ON ORDINARY STOCK RETURNS OF LISTED COMPANIES LISTED IN TEHRAN STOCK...A multiprocess state space model for modelling the rate of return on ordinary stockTrust Administration - Principal and Income Act Applies Retroactively to Extraordinary but Not to Ordinary Stock DividendsClaiming Ordinary Theft Loss Deductions for Stock InvestmentsLB&SCR Carriages: Four- and Six-Wheeled Ordinary Passenger StockParticipation of Ordinary Investors and Stock Market Quality: A Comparison between Japanese and US MarketsParticipating ordinary life insurance sold by stock companies.Maggie Was from Ordinary Stock but Lost Touch with Her Roots; on the Day of Margaret Thatcher's Funeral, Former MP Edwina Currie Tel...Ordinary high.(stock markets)(Brief Article)