Techno-Economical Optioneering of Offshore Wind Farms Electrical SystemsInsurance. Right of Optionee to Proceeds of Insurance Collected by OptionorEminent Domain. Compensation. Interest of an OptioneeContracts: Enforceability of an Option as against the OptioneeDesign optioneering: multi-disciplinary design optimization through parameterization, domain integration and automation of a genetic...Mechanics' Lien—Statutory Construction—Encumbrances by Optionee as Statutory Owner.—Sontag v. AbbottMortgages: Priorities: Mechanics' Lien Attaching to Optionee's Interest in Land Superior to Purchase Money MortgageReal Property. Option to Purchase. Rights of Optionee against Lessee Securing Lease from Optionor before Exercise of OptionEminent Domain - Options - Rights of Optionee to Compensation in a Condemnation Proceeding When Option is Exercised after the TakingContracts. Remedies on Contract. Optionor's Liability for Preventing Optionee's Acceptance of Option