oop英 ['u:p] 美 ['up]
abbr.object-oriented programming 面向对象的程序设计;out of pocket (expenses) 买不起(贵的);out of print (书籍等)绝版;
面向对象分析设计与编程(OOA/OOD/OOP)Nanocarriers as an emerging platform for cancer therapyClinical and radiographic outcomes of four different treatment strategies in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (the BeSt stud...Restoration of fertility to oophorectomized sheep by ovarian autografts stored at -196 degrees CQuantitative hepatitis B virus DNA assessment by the limiting-dilution polymerase chain reaction in chronic hepatitis B patients: ev...Long‐term follow‐up of alpha‐interferon treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis BAltered resting state networks in mild cognitive impairment and mild Alzheimer's disease: an fMRI study.Sequential versus combination chemotherapy with capecitabine, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin in advanced colorectal cancer (CAIRO): a p...Lamivudine resistance inimmunocompetent chronic hepatitis BModel-free group analysis shows altered BOLD FMRI networks in dementia.