abbr.optical overlay network 光重叠网络;
Warburg OOn respiratory impairment in cancer cells. Science 124(3215): 269-270The Automatic Country-Of-Origin Effects oon Brand Judgements.Vaccine-induced escape mutants of Hepatitis B VirusMapping small scale elevatioon changes over large areas: Differential radar interferometryIncreased light output light emitting device using multiple phosphorsCMBPol Mission Concept Study: Probing Inflation with CMB PolarizationLong-term survival following treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma in Singapore: evaluation of Wellferon in the prophylaxis of high-...Strained Si/SiGe layers on insulatorProbing Inflation with CMB PolarizationHigh speed composite p-channel Si/SiGe heterostructure for field effect devices