2025-03-17 23:21:15
英[uː] 美[u]
  • int.啊哈
  • 网络噢;喔;户外
  • 变形

    过去分词:oohed 现在分词:oohing 第三人称单数:oohs


    ooh[ u: ]

    • v.express admiration and pleasure by uttering `ooh' or `aah'

      "They oohed and aahed when they unwrapped the presents"



    1.Hercreative ideawonheralotofoohsandaahs from her co-workers.她的创意为她赢得了同事们的一片赞叹声。www.exam8.com2.Then there wasaromanticweekendwespentfullofoohsandaahsbutstillending with the inevitableepitaph"nothinghaschanged."我们共度过一个浪漫的周末,然而结局早已注定,“一切都没有改变”是我们的爱情的墓志铭。3.WhenI first went onstage,thefamiliarthemesong played and Iwasgreetedbyoohs and ahhs fromtheaudience.我一上舞台,熟悉的主题曲响起,观众们冲我发出一片惊叹声表示欢迎。4.Frompersonalexperience,aftersomeinitialoohsandaahs,ourhouseholdquicklygrewbored with our Web TV box.从个人经验来说,在最初的惊奇和兴奋之后,我们这些宅男宅女们迅速就对机顶盒厌倦了。5.Atthatpoint,we'llallbeadmiringthe view with copiousoutpouringsofoohsandaahs,ornervouslycrappingourcollectivepants.在这一点上,我们都可以欣赏丰富澎湃的惊呼之余,或紧张crapping我们集体的裤子。到那时,这次辩论将继续旋转就像一个旋转的苦行僧。apps.hi.baidu.com6.Hergloriousdressproducedoohs and ahhs from thewomen.她的华丽衣裳引起女人们一片惊叹声。www.hxen.com7.Hercreative ideawonheralotofoohsandaahs from her co-workers.oohs and aahs赞叹声。她的创意为她赢得了同事们的一片赞叹声。
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    Oohs & Oz
    Going for Oohs and Ahs
    OOHS: An Object-Oriented Hypermedia System
    OOHS: an object-oriented hypermedia system
    The oohs and oompahs are in good company!
    Will the oohs in Oz pay for 'Australia'?
    Where to Get Your "Oohs"and "Ahhs"
    The oohs and ahs have it: we present the 2005 MIP winners
    Samsung Devices, Clinton Draw 'Oohs,' 'Aahs' At Keynote
    Parliament: The Sketch: Oohs and Aaahs as a High Flyer Feels His Tail Feathers Working Loose



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    on a...scale,on... on a...scale