oohing英[uː] 美[u]
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1.EvenbeforeIstartedworking,Irememberwalkingintothisrathernondescriptplaceandoohing over the pureingredientsintheirproducts.我记得就连我开始工作之前,(都会)去这个无可名状的地方并为他们产品中纯粹的成分感到惊讶。2.Since1948,peoplehavesat on the warmsandsofKailuaBeach,oohingandaahingasfireworks burst over blackwater.自1948年以来,人们坐在温暖的凯卢阿沙滩上,当烟火在黑色的海面上绽放时,他们叫着喊着。3.Thecrowdwasoohingandaahingbesidethepanda'senclosure.众人在熊猫的围栏旁边惊喜的叫着zhidao.baidu.com
Cute as a Button; We Teamed Up with Asda Last Month to Find the Cutest Baby. after Oohing and Aahing through Bags Full of Entries, W...NEW FACE OF TV SCIENCE; Liz Aims to Get Us Oohing at the Wonders of ScienceFreshman has them oohing and aahing/ Parise leads North Dakota vs. CCCute as a Button; We Teamed Up with Asda Last Month to Find Britain's Cutest Baby. after Oohing and Aahing through Bags Full of Entr...P.S. WHILE everyone was ooh-ing [...]Sizing up the Tokyo show; Cars for sale, not ooh-ing and aah-ingA METHOD FOR USE WITH A WEDDING DRESSMeteors and How to Observe ThemThe Reduced History of TennisDispatches from the Drug Wars: Ishmael Reed, Oscar Zeta Acosta, and the Viet Cong of America