- n.one species: sensitive fern; in some classifications included in Polypodiaceae
同义词:genus Onoclea
OnocleaOnoclea sensibilis in the Paleocene of North America, a dramatic example of structural and ecological stasisSEXUAL DEVELOPMENT OF ONOCLEA SENSIBILIS ON AGAR AND SOIL MEDIA WITHOUT THE ADDITION OF ANTHERIDIOGENPhotocontrol of the germination of onoclea spores: v. Analysis of germination processes by means of temperaturePhotocontrol of the Germination of Onoclea Spores: III. Analysis of Germination Processes by Means of CycloheximideThe role of calcium ions in phytochrome-mediated germination of spores of Onoclea sensibilis L.Red Light Stimulates an Increase in Interacellular Calcium in the Spores of Onoclea sensibilisReproductive biology of the Pteridophyta: 1. General considerations and a study of Onoclea sensibilis LHeterozygosity for recessive lethals in homosporous fern populations: Thelypteris palustris and Onoclea sensibilisEffects of microtubule-inhibitors on nuclear migration and rhizoid differentiation in germinating fern spores ( Onoclea sensibilis )