abbr.or near offer 或接近的出价,即可讲价,但不希望讲得过多;
- n.United States musician (born in Japan) who married John Lennon and collaborated with him on recordings (born in 1933)
同义词:Yoko Ono
777TiPATTRACTION-04 (ONO-4538-37): A randomized, multicenter, phase 2/3 study of nivolumab (Nivo) plus chemotherapy in patients (Pts...Regulatory T cells and immune tolerance.Cytoscape 2.8: new features for data integration and network visualizationCalcium sensitization of smooth muscle mediated by a Rho-associated protein kinase in hypertension.Foxp3+ CD25+ CD4+ natural regulatory T cells in dominant self-tolerance and autoimmune disease.Enhanced growth of mice lacking the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor function of p27(Kip1).The p38 signal transduction pathway: activation and function.Uehata, M. et al. Calcium sensitization of smooth muscle mediated by Rho-associated protein kinase in hypertension. Nature 389, 990-...ATP-Dependent efflux of CPT-11 and SN-38 by the multidrug resistance protein (MRP) and its inhibition by PAK-104P.Determinants of BRAF mutations in primary melanomas.