2025-03-21 10:41:37

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    1.Forthisreasontherehas been a greatdealofinterestinautomaticborderidentificationmethods.出于这个原因有很大的兴趣在边界自动识别方法。www.syyxw.com2.Aforeignspyagency,dependingonyourbusiness,may have a greatdealofinterestinyouandpossesstremendousresources.外国间谍机构,可能对攻击您很感兴趣(这取决于您的业务)并且拥有丰富的资源。www.ibm.com3.Owing to this point, study on the effectivenessofinterestratepolicyhas been taken as a front-line subject of theoretical research.利率政策日益成为主要的宏观经济政策之一,对于利率政策的研究也成为经济领域的前沿课题之一。www.fabiao.net4.Thecourtalso held that there was a conflictofinterest,since Deutsche was bothadvisingtheclientand,ineffect, betting against it.法院同时认为,这其中还兼有利益冲突,因为事实上,德意志银行在为客户建议的同时,也在唱反调。www.ecocn.org5.Iftheuserdecidestofollowthecuestoseewhatthedevicethinksisofinterest,thesystemwillthenguidethem to the destination.如果用户决定跟寻提示去看看究竟,看看设备所以为的感兴趣的为何物,系统就能将他们带到那个地方去。bbs.chinadaily.com.cn6.You can't cashoutforat least12months, and you forfeitthelastthreemonthsofinterestifyouredeeminlessthanfiveyears.这种债券至少12个月不能变现,如果持有时间不到五年就进行赎回,还会丧失后三个月的利息。c.wsj.com7.Eventsprovidea way for a classorobjecttonotifyotherclassesor objects when something ofinteresthappens.在发生其他类或对象关注的事情时,类或对象可通过事件通知它们。msdn2.microsoft.com8.Additionalhelpwasgiventothepoorfarmers in the formofloans at very low rates ofinterestornointerest at all.对于贫农还采用低利或无利放款形式给予额外的帮助。9.youknowpainters , then ?youliveintheirmilieu?"sheasked , her eyesfullofinterest".“这么说你认识画家?你生活在他们的环境里吗?”她满眼兴致地问。www.ichacha.net10.She'dsaid:"you'lldie" with the dulllackofinterestanotherwomanmighthavesaid: "you'llloseyourplace in line."她说了“那么你就得死”,说话的语调比另外一个女人也许会说的“你将会失去你的位置”更加枯燥无味。
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