2025-03-21 10:40:42

  • 网络具有重要意义;重要的;具有重要性

  • 双语例句

    1.Shesaidthatshestronglyfelt it would beofimportancetostrengthenthecommunicationbetweentheChineseandAmerican.她说,当亲身感受到不同年龄的美国学生学习汉语和中国文化的热情时,更加感到加强中美两国人民之间交流的重要性。www.chinese.cn2.Wewishyoutounderstandthat it is understood by us that the namingofTHISLIGHTisnot what is ofimportance.我们希望你们知道,以我们的觉知命名的“这光”的名称不是重点。hi.baidu.com3.Thecostofanyinformation searchinanymodeisalwaysofimportance.任何形式的情报检索中,费用问题都是至关重要的事情。www.jukuu.com4.Itflashed through his mindthathehadsomethingofimportancetodobeforehewentoutoftown.他脑子里掠过一个念头,在出城之前,他还有一件重要的事情要做。5.Theyalwaysgiveanairofimportance,asifwomenarefarlessimportant.他们总是摆出一副了不起的架势,似乎女人是远远地不重要的。hi.baidu.com6.Ifyouknowit'snot#1on your list,thenyouwon'tstressasifithad that kind ofimportance.如果你明白,在你日程上工作不是排第一,你就不会强调它有那么的重要。treasure.1x1y.com.cn7.referstoapoliticalissue or debate considered to be ofimportance only to politicalinsiderandoflittle interest to the general public.环路问题指政治圈内人士的重大事宜,跟大众关系不大。www.lkong.net8.Astheblood bankandadapterofthehousemarket, the selectionofdevelopmentmodelofhousingfinance in no doubtisofimportance.作为住房市场的“血库”和“调节器”——住房金融的发展模式的选择无疑具有重要意义。www.lw23.com9.However,arealsenseofimportancecanonlybeacquiredbysearchingforimportancewithinyourselfandnotoutside of yourself.然而,真正的重要感只能在自身当中搜索才能得到,而不是从外界。10.Soyoufeelasenseofimportancebybringingthesepastthingsupinyourmindand perhaps by discussing orarguingwithothers about them.你将这些往事牢牢地记在脑海中,或是就这些事情与人争论,这么做使你感到自己是个大人物。www.elanso.com
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