of no use,of no use,of no use是什么意思,of no use怎么读,of no use的用法
2025-03-21 12:00:21
of no use
[ɔv nəu ju:z]
  • adv.


  • 双语例句

    1. All our persuasion was of no use.
    2. It is a scathing tract on the uselessness of war.


    Drainage is of no use in primary uncomplicated cemented hip and knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis: a prospective randomized study.
    Dust-mite control measures of no use : The Lancet
    Dust-mite control measures of no use
    Physical training in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: the protocol of the No Use is Disuse study.
    On the Common Saying: That May be Correct in Theory, but it is of No Use in Practice
    Immanuel Kant: Practical philosophy: On the common saying: That may be correct in theory, but it is of no use in practice (1793)
    True cytokeratin 8/18 immunohistochemistry is of no use in distinguishing between primary endocervical and endometrial adenocarcinom...
    Evaluation of the No-use Values of the Wetland Resources in Dongting Lake Based on CVM
    Five commonly used markers (p53, TTF1, CK7, CK20, and CK34βE12) are of no use in distinguishing between primary endocervical and en...
    Suicide risk categorisation of psychiatric inpatients: what it might mean and why it is of no use



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