octa-英 ['ɒktə] 美 ['ɒktə]
- octa is an infrastructure-as-a-service management portal for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV). It provisions systems using Cobbler and ties into Red Hat Network Satellite for entitlement management of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems.
Detailed polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congener composition of the widely used penta-, octa-, and deca-PBDE technical flame-r...Neonatal Exposure to Higher Brominated Diphenyl Ethers, Hepta-, Octa-, or Nonabromodiphenyl Ether, Impairs Spontaneous Behavior and ...DNA Sequencing by Hybridization to Microchip Octa- and Decanucleotides Extended by Stacked PentanucleotidesStructure determination of the octa- and decasaccharide sequences isolated from the carbohydrate-protein linkage region of porcine i...Evidence of an ordered columnar mesophase in peripherally octa- n -alkoxy-substituted phthalocyaninesElectronic Structures of Halogenated Porphyrins: Spectroscopic Properties of ZnTFPPX8 (TFPPX8 = Octa-.beta.-halotetrakis(pentafluoro...Oxidation-linked proton functions in heme octa- and undecapeptides from mammalian cytochrome cAn eight-connected 3D lead( ) metal–organic framework with octanuclear lead( ) as a secondary building unit: synthesis, characteriz...Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Composites from Cubic Silsesquioxanes. Epoxy Resins of Octa(dimethylsiloxyethylcyclohexylepoxide) Silsesqui...Resonance Raman spectra of octaethylporphyrinato‐Ni(II) and meso‐deuterated and 15N substituted derivatives. II. A normal coordina...