obstruent英 ['ɒbstrʊənt] 美 ['ɒbstruənt]
obstruent[ 'ɔbstruənt ]
- n.a consonant that is produced with a partial or complete blockage of the airflow from the lungs through the nose or mouth
Laryngeal activity in Swedish obstruent clusters.Interarticulator Programming in Obstruent ProductionObstruent production by hearing‐impaired speakers: Interarticulator timing and acousticsThe Timing of Voicing in British English ObstruentsThe Phonotactics and Phonology of Obstruent Clusters in Optimality TheoryPhonetics and phonology of the tense and lax obstruents in German /On the ‘Incomplete Neutralization’ of German Final ObstruentsStatistical analysis of word-initial voiceless obstruents: preliminary data.A Reexamination of the Feature [Sonorant]: The Status of 'Sonorant Obstruents'A diagnostic marker for speech delay associated with otitis media with effusion: backing of obstruents