pumpable英 ['pʌmpəbl] 美 ['pʌmpəbl]
Pumpable composition comprising tricyclodecanedimethylolPumpable/injectable phosphate-bonded ceramicsEfficient CW operation of tunable fluorozirconate fibre lasers at wavelengths pumpable with semiconductor laser diodesHigh Pulsed Voltage Systems for Extending the Shelf Life of Pumpable Food ProductsLasing and fluorescent characteristics of nine, new, flashlamp-pumpable, coumarin dyes in ethanol and ethanol: WaterSTABLE PUMPABLE SLURRIES OF ETHYLENE OXIDE POLYMERSFlowable, pumpable cleaning compositions and method for the preparation thereofHigh voltage pulsed electric field treatment chambers for the preservation of liquid food productsBiogeochemistry and hydrography in the eastern subtropical North Atlantic gyre. Results from the European time-series station ESTOCChinese number-names, tree adjoining languages, and mild context-sensitivity