Psyllids英 美
1.Butpsyllidsarelightandcantravelonthewind, so they couldsimplyhavebeenblownthere.但木虱重量轻,能随风传播,也许只是被风吹到那里的。
Psyllids as vectors of emerging bacterial diseases of annual crops.Use and Cost of Insecticides to Control Potato Psyllids and Zebra Chip on PotatoesTrailers Transporting Oranges to Processing Plants Move Asian Citrus PsyllidsAsian citrus psyllids (Sternorrhyncha: Psyllidae) and greening disease of citrus: a literature review and assessment of risk in Flor...A new method for short-term rearing of citrus psyllids (Hemiptera: Pysllidae) and for collecting their honeydew excretionsAn Index to Measure Weather‐Induced Stress of Trees Associated With Outbreaks of Psyllids in AustraliaGenome Reduction and Co-evolution between the Primary and Secondary Bacterial Symbionts of PsyllidsBiological control of the African and Asian citrus psyllids (Homoptera: Psylloidea), through Euliphid and Encrytid parasites (Hymeno...Radiation, diversity, and host-plant interactions among island and continental legume-feeding psyllidsDetection by PCR of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, the bacterium causing citrus huanglongbing in vector psyllids: application to...