literal coefficient英 [ˈlitərəl ˌkəʊəˈfɪʃənt] 美 [ˈlɪtərəl ˌkoəˈfɪʃənt]
- He did not hesitate to subtract terms with literal coefficients.
THE USAGE OF INFERENTIAL STATISTICS IN STYLISTICS (CASE STUDY: THE LITERAL SIMILES IN SIXTH CENTURY)Adaptive non-literal text string retrievalAdaptive non-literal textual search apparatus and methodA Method to Quantify Corpus Similarity and its Application to Quantifying the Degree of Literality in a DocumentLiteral and Critical Reading in Social StudiesLiteracy Hour and the Literal Thinker: the Inclusion of Children with semantic‐pragmatic Language Difficulties in the Literacy HourLITERAL READINGLiteralic Review about Parenting Developments and the Development of the "Parenting Development Scale"for Evaluating Child-rearingA Method to Quantify Corpus Similarity and its Application to Quantifying the Degree of Literality in a DocumentExperimental Evaluation of the Exact Point-Speed and Least-Squares Procedures for Flexible Rotor Balancing by the Influence Coeffici...