La Communaute Financieve Africane
Genetic susceptibility to non-polyposis colorectal cancerPatterns of Export Diversification in Developing Countries: Intensive and Extensive MarginsBetween a shock and a hard place - The dynamics of labor-backed adjustment in Poland and ArgentinaLipoprotein insulin resistance index: a lipoprotein particle-derived measure of insulin resistance.Household shelter strategies in comparative perspective: Evidence from low-income groups in Bamako and La PazVestigingsplaatsen van kerncentrales en de openbare watervoorzieningMorphological Evaluation of Head in Turkman Males in Gorgan-North of Iran Evaluación Morfológica de la Cabeza en Hombres Turcos en...Evaluating the applicability of the finite element method for modelling of geoelectric fieldsLas zeolitas de la costa de Ecuador (Guayaquil) : geología, caracterización y aplicacionesThe Comet Assay and its applications in the field of ecotoxicology: a mature tool that continues to expand its perspectives