nuphar英 ['nju:fə] 美 ['njufə]
nuphar[ 'nju:fə ]
- n.spatterdocks
同义词:genus Nuphar
NupharNOVEL HYDROLYZABLE TANNINS FROM NUPHAR JAPONICUM DC.Germination and colonisation dynamics of Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. in a former river channelInsecticidal alkaloids against Drosophila melanogaster from Nuphar japonicum DC.Phylogenetic Relationships in Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae): Evidence from Morphology, Chloroplast DNA, and Nuclear Ribosomal DNALocalization of Thermo-Osmotically Active Partitions in Young Leaves of Nuphar luteaGermination requirements and seed banks of some nymphaeid macrophytes: Nymphaea alba L., NupharIsolation and Characterization of an Iron-Containing Superoxide Dismutase From Water Lily, Nuphar luteum.Germination requirements and seed banks of some nymphaeid macrophytes: Nymphaea alba L., Nuphar lutea (L.) Sm. and Nymphoides peltat...Dimeric sesquiterpene thioalkaloids with potent immunosuppressive activity from the rhizome of Nuphar pumilum: structural requiremen...