North Carolina,North Carolina,North Carolina是什么意思,North Carolina怎么读,North Carolina的用法
2025-03-01 04:21:31
North Carolina
[nɔ:θ ˌkærəˈlainə]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    North Carolina

    • n.
      • a state in southeastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies

        同义词:Old North StateTar Heel StateNC

      • one of the British colonies that formed the United States


    1. North Carolina state archaeologists have already used an electrolysis method to remove the mineral buildup from the pestle, hence its more uniform finish.
    2. Democrats are getting in some last-minute campaigning before their next major match-up on Tuesday when voters in Indiana and North Carolina hit the polls.


    University of North Carolina
    Dept. of Comput. Sci., North Carolina Univ., Chapel Hill, NC, USA
    Hosts of mosquitoes in the coastal plain of North Carolina.
    North Carolina stroke prevention and treatment facilities survey. Statewide availability of programs and services
    Detection of acute infections during HIV testing in North Carolina.
    Development and Stability of the Fouling Community at Beaufort, North Carolina
    Effects of land use on water quality and aquatic biota of three North Carolina Piedmont streams
    Long-term temperature and precipitation trends at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, Otto, North Carolina, USA
    Seasonal patterns in physiology and nutrition of black bears in Great Dismal Swamp, Virginia – North Carolina
    Risk factors for chronic lung disease in the surfactant era: a North Carolina population-based study of very low birth weight infant...



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