nonfarm英 ['nɒnfɑ:m] 美 ['nɒn'fɑm]
Farm-nonfarm linkages in rural sub-Saharan AfricaDoes guanxi matter to nonfarm employment?The Determinants of Nonfarm Income Diversification in Rural PeruRural Nonfarm Employment and Incomes in Latin America: Overview and Policy ImplicationsHousehold Income Diversification into Rural Nonfarm ActivitiesTransforming the Rural Nonfarm Economy: Opportunities and Threats in the Developing WorldLinks between Nonfarm Income and Farm Investment in African Households: Adding the Capital Market PerspectiveNonfarm income diversification and household livelihood strategies in rural Africa: concepts, dynamics, and policy implicationsSTRATEGIES FOR STIMULATING POVERTY-ALLEVIATING GROWTH IN THE RURAL NONFARM ECONOMY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIESUsing evidence of household income diversification to inform study of the rural nonfarm labor market in Africa