nonappearance英 [ˌnɒnə'pɪrəns] 美 [ˌnɒnə'pɪrəns]
- n.failure to appear (especially as at court)
Predicting patient nonappearance for surgery as a scheduling strategy to optimize operating room utilization in a veterans' administ...Appearance and nonappearance of self-organized criticality in sandpilesNonappearance of Dehnen-Shahin resonances in the positronium continuumMechanism of Nonappearance of Hiatus in the Tibetan PlateauOn de's Rules of Appearance or Nonappearance in N_1+de+N_2-ConstructionComment on "A simple explanation of the nonappearance of physical gluo...Consequences of Nonappearance: Interpreting New Section 242B of the Immigration and Nationality Act, The23 NonAppearanceNonappearance of some two-photon and one-photon absorption lines between the stark sublevels of rare-earth ionsBOOK REVIEW: NONAPPEARANCE AND DISAPPEARANCE BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: Non-Appearance before the International Cour...