noblesse oblige英 [nəʊˌbles əˈbli:ʒ] 美 [noʊˌbles əˈbliʒ]
noblesse oblige [ ɔ'bli:ʒ ]
- n.the obligation of those of high rank to be honorable and generous (often used ironically)
Noblesse ObligeNoblesse obligeNoblesse obligeCHEMISTRY: Noblesse ObligeNoblesse Oblige Tradition in the Practice of Law, TheNoblesse oblige? Determinants of survival in a life-and-death situationNoblesse oblige? Social status and economic inequality maintenance among politiciansNoblesse oblige effect: The interpretation of Rorschach responses as a function of ascribed social class.Noblesse oblige effect: The interpretation of Rorschach responses as a function of ascribed social class.Does Noblesse Oblige? The Effects of Firm Reputation and Celebrity on Earnings Surprises and Investor ReactionsCSR and Changing Modes of Governance: Towards Corporate Noblesse Oblige?CSR and Changing Modes of Governance: Towards Corporate Noblesse Oblige ?Are perceptions of fairness relationship-specific? The case of noblesse oblige