Nicaragua英 [ˌnɪkə'ræɡjʊə] 美 [ˌnɪkə'ræɡwə]
Nicaragua[ ,nikə'ræɡjuə; -'rɑ:ɡwə ]
用作名词(n.)- They adopted two children from Nicaragua.
他们从尼加拉瓜收养了两个孩子。 - The protest leader sought asylum in Nicaragua.
Wife abuse among women of childbearing age in Nicaragua.Candies in hell: women's experiences of violence in Nicaragua.Jatropha curcas L. as a source for the production of biofuel in NicaraguaEpidemic Leptospirosis Associated with Pulmonary Hemorrhage—Nicaragua, 1995Paying for the environmental services of silvopastoral practices in Nicaragua ☆Mobilisation without Emancipation? Women’s Interests, the State and Revolution in NicaraguaChildren Creating Core Properties of Language: Evidence from an Emerging Sign Language in NicaraguaAssociation Between Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine and Severe Rotavirus Diarrhea Among Children in NicaraguaPolybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) and Bioaccumulative Hydroxylated PBDE Metabolites in Young Humans from Managua, NicaraguaConfronting the Coffee Crisis: Can Fair Trade, Organic, and Specialty Coffees Reduce Small-Scale Farmer Vulnerability in Northern Ni...