negative income tax英 [ˈneɡətiv ˈinkəm tæks] 美 [ˈnɛɡətɪv ˈɪnˌkʌm tæks]
Negative Income TaxNegative Income TaxNEGATIVE INCOME TAXOptimum outcomes [Series on tax effective financial arrangements] Part 2: Supertrusts and negative gearingTax expendituresTax Units with Zero or Negative Income Tax Liability Under Current Law, 2004-2024Distribution of Tax Units with Zero of Negative Individual Income Tax Liability by Cash Income Level, Current Law, 2009Tax Units with Zero or Negative Individual Income Tax under Various Assumptions Regarding ESI Exclusion Repeal and Tax Credit Refund...Why Some Tax Units Pay No Income TaxTax Units without Income Tax Liability; Baseline: Current Law; Distribution by Cash Income Level, 2011Baseline Tables: Effective Income Tax Rates by Demographics, by Cash Income Percentile; Baseline: Current Law, 2011Baseline Distribution of Tax Units with No Income Tax Liability by Cash Income Level; Current Law, 2011Baseline Distribution of Tax Units with No Income Tax Liability by Cash Income Level; Administration's FY2012 Budget Proposals, 2012