necrotize英 ['nekrətaɪz] 美 ['nekrəˌtaɪz]
HEMOSTATIC SPARK EROSION TISSUE TUNNEL GENERATOR WITH INTEGRAL TREATMENT PROVIDING VARIABLE VOLUMETRIC NECROTIZATION OF TISSUEOcclusion apparatus and method for necrotizing anatomical tissue structuresFormas agudas de periodontitisFormas agudas de periodontitis Acute conditions of periodontal diseaseTomato spotted wilt virus on eggplant in Sicily (Italy).Characterization of receptors for human tumour necrosis factor and their regulation by |[gamma]|-interferonIn vivo anti-tumour activity of recombinant human and murine TNF, alone and in combination with murine IFN-gamma, on a syngeneic mur...Downy mildew of cucurbits (Pseudoperonospora cubensis): the fungus and its hosts, distribution, epidemiology and control.Pre-operative chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhotic patients.Portable cryosurgical apparatus