oxycephaly英 [ˌɒksɪ'sefəlɪ] 美 [ˌɒksɪ'sefəlɪ]
- n.a congenital abnormality of the skull; the top of the skull assumes a cone shape
OxycephalyOXYCEPHALYOxycephaly.Operative correction by osteotomy of recessed malar maxillary compound in a case of oxycephaly[Total facial osteotomy. Crouzon's syndrome, Apert's syndrome: oxycephaly, scaphocephaly, turricephaly]Early Craniectomy As A Preventive Measure in Oxycephaly and Allied Conditions.: With Special Reference to the Prevention of BlindnessThree-dimensional cranial expansion using distraction osteogenesis for oxycephaly[Oxycephaly, a severe craniosynostosis. Apropos of a series of 129 cases]OXYCEPHALY AND ALLIED CONDITIONS IN MAN AND IN THE RABBIT.Oxycephaly: a severe craniosynostosis. Analysis of 129 casesTrue oxycephaly with syndactylism : Case reportOxycephaly, bilateral ectopia lentis, and retinal detachment.An Unknown Syndrome of Nose Deformity, Oxycephaly, Aplasia of the Nasolacrimal Ducts, and Symmetrical Cyst Formation on the Upper Li...