oxtongue英 ['ɒkstʌŋ] 美 ['ɒksˌtʌŋ]
oxtongue[ 'ɔkstʌŋ ]
用作名词(n.)- In our old Muskoka farmhouse on Oxtongue Lake, Mother was still cooking year-round on a wood stove.
Characterisation of a 16SrII phytoplasma strain associated with bushy stunt of hawkweed oxtongue ( Picris hieracioides ) in south-ea...Identification of Oxtongue Flowers using Image Processing TechniqueFinding of bristly oxtongue Picris echioides L. in Vestfold and Buskerud in 2003.Wild Plants of Malta & Gozo - Plant: Picris hieracioides subsp. spinulosa (Hawkweed Oxtongue)Albounout "Frankincense"and Alsounalph "Oxtongue": Phoenician-Punic Botanical Terms with Prothetic Vowels from an Egyptian Papyrus ...Oxtongue River- Ragged Falls Provincial ParkReview of species of eurytomids (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae) - parasites of pests of Russian oxtongue in the USSR.Picris hieracioides (hawkweed oxtongue)Ox tongue: an alternative model for surgical training.An outbreak of typhoid fever associated with canned ox-tongue