oxidiser[ 'ɔksi,daizə ]
oxidiser r氧化剂
Thismeansscramjetscanachievesomeofthespeed of a rocketwithout having to carryheavyoxidiser (to mix with fuel), asrocketsdo.
Cosworth, which manufacturespowerunitsfor several cars on theF1 grid, are makingoneoftheirCA2010enginesavailablejusttodrivethe Falcon'soxidiserpump.
为F1 赛车制造过多款动力单元的科斯沃斯正在改造他们的一款CA2010引擎,让它能够驱动猎鹰引擎的氧化剂泵。
A comparison of ammonia-oxidiser populations in eutrophic and oligotrophic basins of a large freshwater lakeEffect of fuel binder and oxidiser particle diameter on the combustion of ammonium perchlorate based propellantsChanges in ammonia oxidiser population during transition to low pH in a biofilm reactor starting with Nitrosomonas europaeaHigh-Throughput Analysis of Ammonia Oxidiser Community Composition via a Novel, amoA-Based Functional Gene ArrayLiterature survey for a first choice of a fuel-oxidiser couple for hybrid propulsion based on kinetic justificationsLand-use and management practices affect soil ammonia oxidiser community structure, activity and connectednessPlant nitrogen-use strategy as a driver of rhizosphere archaeal and bacterial ammonia oxidiser abundanceThe effect of soil pH and dicyandiamide (DCD) on N 2 O emissions and ammonia oxidiser abundance in a stimulated grazed pasture soilExploring the relationship between viscous bulking and ammonia-oxidiser abundance in activated sludge: A comparison of conventional ...Isolation of ‘CandidatusNitrosocosmicus franklandus’, a novel ureolytic soil archaeal ammonia oxidiser with tolerance to high ammo...