v.越过( overleap的现在分词 );
overleap[ ,əuvə'li:p ]
Stressing innovation for overleaping development of explosives and propellants"Overleaping Class"Forster's Problem in ConnectionOverleaping Class . Torster's Problem in ConnectionThe Prelude of Marx's Idea on Overleaping the Caftin Gorge of Capitalism System——Reinterpretation on the Introduction to the Criti...Overleaping and Reconstruct of Mental Health to Life EducationNortheast Asian Community: Overleaping FTATo Promote Overleaping Development of the Western Economic SocietyOVERLEAPING REVERSAL EFFECT ON A CONDITIONAL DISCRIMINATION TASKA Comparison between Marx's Thought and Engles' Thought on the Question of “Over Leaping”學習層次與增強因素對智能不足兒童算學習成效影響Effects of Reinforcement and Learning Hierarchy on Addition Performance of Retarded an...