osteopathy英 [ˌɒstiˈɒpəθi] 美 [ˌɑstiˈɑpəθi]
osteopathy[ ,ɔsti'ɔpəθi ]
- n.therapy based on the assumption that restoring health is best accomplished by manipulating the skeleton and muscles
Methotrexate osteopathyThe paradox of osteopathy.Valuing osteopathy: What are (our) professional values and how do we teach them?Osteopathy and resistance to vitamin D toxicity in mice null for vitamin D binding protein.Clinical images: Aluminum-modified renal osteopathy.Hypocalcemia and osteopathy in mice with kidney-specific megalin gene defectHypovitaminosis D osteopathy: is it mediated through PTH, lean mass, or is it a direct effect?Acupuncture, chiropractic and osteopathy use in Australia: a national population survey.Methotrexate Osteopathy in Long-term, Low-Dose Methotrexate Treatment for Psoriasis and Rheumatoid ArthritisMorphometry of bone. Are parameters from the iliac crest reliable indicators of renal-insufficiency osteopathy?