Oscan英 [ˈɔskən] 美 [ˈɑskən]
n.& adj.欧斯干人(的);
Oscan[ 'ɔskən ]
- n.
- an Oscan-speaking member of an ancient people of Campania
- an extinct Italic language of ancient southern Italy
OscanOscan In The Greek Alphabet: ConsonantsOscan In The Greek Alphabet: ConclusionsOscan In The Greek Alphabet: FrontmatterOscan In The Greek Alphabet: BibliographyOscan In The Greek Alphabet: Index of wordsOscan In The Greek Alphabet: Oscan words discussed in this bookVolscian sistiatiens and the Oscan -tt-PerfectA grammar of Oscan and Umbrian : with a collection of inscriptions and a glossaryThe Future Perfect in Oscan and Umbrian, and the Ō- Perfect in South Picene