n.精致的刺绣( orphrey的名词复数 );
orphrey[ 'ɔ:fri ]
- n.a richly embroidered edging on an ecclesiastical vestment
Insights into the Production of Opus Anglicanum: An Object Analysis of Two Panels from the Pillar Orphreys on the Whalley Abbey Alta...Serial production of embroidered orphreys in the Middle AgesBOOK REVIEW / Chasubles and OrphreysStudies in Italian Textiles - II: Some Groups of Renaissance Orphreys of Venetian OriginFlemish Orphreys on a CopeWOVEN ORPHREYSToward a Catalogue of Confraternal Material in the Biblioteca AmbrosianaHenry’s Crowning ErrorA Newly Discovered Trecento Orphrey from FlorenceAustralian Human Rights Act: Quixotic Impossible Dream or Inevitable Natural Progression, An