ornamental tree英 [ˌɔ:nəˈmentl tri:] 美 [ˌɔrnəˈmɛntl tri]
- Some other applications of ornamental tree species were also introduced.
文中还介绍了观赏树木其它方面的用途。 - Crown gall disease affects a wide range of plants, including roses, ornamental trees and fruit trees.
Ornamental treeOrnamental treeOrnamental treeGenomic characterization of a liberibacter present in an ornamental rutaceous tree, Calodendrum capense, in the Western Cape Provinc...Miniature portable ornamental tree deviceThe Wild Ornamental Tree Resources in the Dabieshan Mountain Region in Henan Province and Its Exploitaion and UtilizationEFFECT OF SULFUR DIOXIDE STRESS ON MEMBRANE LIPID PEROXIDATION AND PROTECTIVE ENZYMES OF THREE ORNAMENTAL TREE SEEDLINGSFruit availability influences the seasonal abundance of invasive stink bugs in ornamental tree nurseriesA verified spider bite and a review of the literature confirm Indian ornamental tree spiders ( Poecilotheria species) as underestim...Ornamental tree sources and their diversity and economic value in Baishilazi National Nature ReserveResources and Development of Wild Ornamental Tree in the Southwest ZhejiangChanges of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy Parameters and Electrolyte Leakage in Different Ornamental Tree Species Living in SalineFirst report of airborne begomovirus infection in Melia azedarach (Pride of India), an ornamental tree in India