order cheque英 [ˈɔ:də tʃek] 美 [ˈɔrdɚ tʃɛk]
Public Health Virology. I2 Reports. Philip P. Mortimer, Ed. (Pp 194; £15.oo postageand packing included, cheque with order) availa...Cheque niet aan order: noot onder Antwerpen, 21 september 1998CHEQUE SECURITYPractice and Procedure - Rules for Pleading Actions on Dishonoured Cheques - Practice and Procedure - Order 20, Rule 8, Supreme Cour...NO BLANK CHEQUES!; Brown's Order on Public PayThe Cheque Guarantee; MPs Order Banks to Write to Customers Confirming That Abolition Won't HappenIDIOCY OF THE HIGHEST ORDER; Civil Servants Want Time off to Cash Non-Existent Cheques. (Even Their Own Union Chiefs Say It's Daft);...THE CHEQUE, PAYMENT INSTRUMENT IN DOMESTIC AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE RELATIONS Abstract;As a corollary of the unprecedented developmen...Method and system of payment by electronic chequeNon-vitamin K oral anticoagulant treatment in elderly patients with atrial fibrillation and coronary heart disease.