orchotomy英 [ɔ:'kɒtəmɪ] 美 [ɔ'kɒtəmɪ]
- n.surgical incision into the testis to obtain material for analysis (as in cases of abnormally low sperm count)
UNILATERAL ORCHOTOMY FOR ENLARGEMENT OF THE PROSTATE.SOME OF THE RECENT RESULTS OF ORCHOTOMY FOR ENLARGED PROSTATEOrchotomy For Enlarged ProstateUnilateral Orchotomy.How to close open choledochotomy: primary closure, primary closurewith T-tube drainage, or choledochoduodenostomy?Healing of the bile duct anastomosis after transverse choledochotomy or transplantation of the liver in the pigInfective complications after choledochotomy. Incidence after T-tube drainage of the common bile duct or after choledochoduodenostomy.[Oddi's sphincter surgery without choledochotomy or external biliary drainage]Postoperative ERCP versus laparoscopic choledochotomy for clearance of selected bile duct calculi: a randomized trialCholedochotomy for biliary lithiasis: T-tube drainage or primary closure. Effects on postoperative bacteremia and T-tube bile infect...