- Ophidion is a genus of cusk-eels.
Functional morphology of the sonic apparatus in Ophidion barbatum (Teleostei, Ophidiidae)Ultrastructure of the tubule of the aglomerular teleost Nerophis ophidionSounds Produced by the Striped Cusk-Eel Ophidion marginatum (Ophidiidae) during Courtship and SpawningCall properties and morphology of the sound-producing organ in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae)Do Striped Cusk-Eels Ophidion marginatum (Ophidiidae) Produce the “Chatter” Sound Attributed to Weakfish Cynoscion regalis (Sciaen...Male mate choice and female-female competition for mates in the pipefish Nerophis ophidionRecords of Cataetyx laticeps and Ophidion barbatum (Ophidiiformes) in the eastern Mediterranean, with comments on the deep sea ichth...Anatomy and Sexual Dimorphism of the Swim Bladder and Vertebral Column in Ophidion holbrooki (Pisces: Ophidiidae)Sexual dimorphism of sonic apparatus and extreme intersexual variation of sounds in Ophidion rochei (Ophidiidae): first evidence of ...Development and Distribution of Cusk Eel Eggs and Larvae in the Middle Atlantic Bight with a Description of Ophidion robinsi n. sp...