once-over英 [ˈwʌnsəuvə] 美 [ˈwʌnsˌovɚ]
once-over[ 'wʌnsəuvə ]
用作名词(n.)- I've only had time to skim over the plans for the new buildings, but they look good so far.
我只来得及将新大楼的计划浏览一遍,不过它们看起来还不错。 - Once you have the test, skim through it to see how it's organized, so you can better budget your time.
Physical and chemical characteristics of puree from once-over harvested strawberries.Effects of plant density on the maturity and once-over harvest yields of broccoli.Field plot techniques for selecting increased once-over harvest yields in pickling cucumbers.Use of ethephon and chlorflurenol in a once-over pickling cucumber production system.Harvest indices for pickling cucumbers in once-over harvested systemsOptimum allocation of plots to years, seasons, locations, and replications, and its application to once-over-harvest cucumber trialsEvaluating fresh-market peaches for once-over mechanical harvestingThe effects of sowing time and plant density on the once-over harvest yields of broccoliOptimum planting density and harvest stage for little-leaf and normal-leaf cucumbers for once-over harvest.Yield comparisons of pickling cucumber cultivar trials for once-over harvesting.