on weekends,on weekends,on weekends是什么意思,on weekends怎么读,on weekends的用法
2025-03-18 17:21:40
on weekends


  1. The exhibition is open on weekends.
  2. Eric earned his bread and butter as a bookkeeper, but added a little jam by working with a dance band on weekends.
  3. Do the shops stop open late on weekends?
  4. For extra money, she tutors on weekends.


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on second thoug... on second thoughts ...
on second thoug... on second thought英 [ɔn ˈsekənd θɔ:t] 美 [ɑn ˈsɛkənd...
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on schedule,on ... on schedule英 [ɔn ˈʃedju:əl] 美 [ɑn ˈskɛdʒul] ...
on someone's gu... on someone's guard
on show,on show... on show英 [ɔn ʃəu] 美 [ɑn ʃo] ...
on site,on site... on site英 [ɔn sait] 美 [ɑn saɪt] ...
on side,on side... on side英 [ɔn said] 美 [ɑn saɪd] ...
on someone's be... on someone's behalf
on someone's si... on someone's side
on someone's ow... on someone's own
on someone's ho... on someone's honour
on someone's wa... on someone's way
on someone's mi... on someone's mind ...
on stilts,on st... on stilts ...
on speaking ter... on speaking terms ...
on someone's wa... on someone's way to
on strike,on st... on strike英 [ɔn straik] 美 [ɑn straɪk] ...