on weekends,on weekends,on weekends是什么意思,on weekends怎么读,on weekends的用法
2025-03-18 17:21:40
on weekends


  1. The exhibition is open on weekends.
  2. Eric earned his bread and butter as a bookkeeper, but added a little jam by working with a dance band on weekends.
  3. Do the shops stop open late on weekends?
  4. For extra money, she tutors on weekends.


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on a diet,on a ... on a diet英 [ɔn ə ˈdaiət] 美 [ɑn e ˈdaɪɪt] ...
on a collision ... on a collision course
on a dime,on a ... on a dime英 [ɔn ə daim] 美 [ɑn e daɪm] ...
on a daily basi... on a daily basis英 [ɔn ə ˈdeili ˈbeisis] 美 [ɑn e ˈd...
on a home and a... on a home and away basis[ɑn e hom ənd əˈwe ˈbesɪs]...
on a par with,o... on a par with
on a par,on a p... on a par英 [ɔn ə pɑ:] 美 [ɑn e pɑr] ...
on a large scal... on a large scale英 [ɔn ə lɑ:dʒ skeil] 美 [ɑn e lɑrdʒ...
on a lump-sum b... on a lump-sum basis[ɑn e lʌmp sʌm ˈbesɪs] ...
on a level with... on a level with英 [ɔn ə ˈlevl wið] 美 [ɑn e ˈlɛvəl w...
on a regular ba... on a regular basis英 [ɔn ə ˈreɡjulə ˈbeisis] 美 [ɑn ...
on a small scal... on a small scale英 [ɔn ə smɔ:l skeil] 美 [ɑn e smɔl ...
on a scale,on a... on a scale英 [ɔn ə skeil] 美 [ɑn e skel] ...
on a roll,on a ... on a roll英 [ɔn ə rəul] 美 [ɑn e rol] ...
on a shoestring... on a shoestring英 [ɔn ə ˈʃu:ˌstrɪŋ] 美 [ɑn e ˈʃuˌstr...
on account of,o... on account of英 [ɔn əˈkaunt ɔv] 美 [ɑn əˈkaʊnt ʌv] ...
on a weekly bas... on a weekly basis
on a whim,on a ... on a whim英 [ɔn ə hwɪm] 美 [ɑn e hwɪm] ...
on account,on a... on account英 [ɔn əˈkaunt] 美 [ɑn əˈkaʊnt] ...
on a...scale,on... on a...scale