on (the, an) average
on (the, an) average
- adj.
- in operation or operational
- (of events) planned or scheduled
- adv.
- with a forward motion
- indicates continuity or persistence or concentration
- in a state required for something to function or be effective
Effects of the glenoid labrum and glenohumeral abduction on stability of the shoulder joint through concavity-compression : an in vi...The effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the average properties of a bidisperse suspension of high Reynolds number, low Weber numb...The influence of APACHE II score on the average noise level in an intensive care unit: an observational studyThe influence of mineral and organic fertilisation on the average dry matter yield of permanent grassland from Banat (Romania) hill ...The influence of mineral and organic fertilisation on the average dry matter yield of permanent grassland from Banat (Romania) hill ...Gravitational Lensing Limits On The Average Redshift Of Gamma Ray Bursts From Evolving GalaxiesJUST AN ABOVE-AVERAGE GUY In 1990 Wayne Levi won four times on the PGA Tourinspect the influence of a subject on an average (scalp array)The Effects of Carbamazepine and Lorazepam on Single versus Multiple Previous Alcohol Withdrawals in an Outpatient Randomized TrialCosmetic or dermatological composition in the form of an aqueous and stable dispersion of cubic gel particles based on phytanetriol ...