olivine[,ɔli'vi:n; 'ɔlivi:n]
Non-aqueous electrolyte secondary cellOlivomycin and related antibiotics - XXI. Periodate oxidation of olivinEstratigrafía, análisis de facies y paleoambientes de la formación ca adón asfalto en el depocentro jurásico cerro Cóndor, pro...Detection of new olivine-rich locations on VestaA Model of Chemical Weathering of Silicate MineralsInsulating plate of nonaqueous electrolyte secondary cell, nonaqueous electrolyte secondary cell, and method for producing insulatin...Cosmic iron, a new factor in podsolization in aeolian sandy deposits in NW-Europe (part 1, senior)Metagabros y eclogitas asociadas en el area de barragán, departamento del valle, colombiaTemperature and structure of the moon according to electrical conductivity data on its interiorGEOCHEMISTRY OF LISBON BASALTIC COMPLEX: SOME RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN lVIAGMA GENERATION AND GEOTECTONIC SETTING