oilseed rape[ˌɔɪlsiːd 'reɪp]
Yield analysis of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.): a review.Construction of an oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) genetic map with SSR markersA comparative linkage map of oilseed rape and its use for QTL analysis of seed oil and erucic acid contentDetermination of a Critical Nitrogen Dilution Curve for Winter Oilseed RapePCR analysis of oilseed rape cultivars (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera) using 5' -anchored simple sequence repeat (SSR) primersIdentification of the A and C genomes of amphidiploid Brassica napus (oilseed rape).Frequent nonreciprocal translocations in the amphidiploid genome of oilseed rape (Brassica napus)Spontaneous hybridization between oilseed rape (Brassica napus) and weedy B. campestris (Brassicaceae): a risk of growing geneticall...Epidemiology and management of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) on oilseed rape in Australia, Canada and Europe.World-Wide Importance of Phoma Stem Canker ( Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa ) on Oilseed Rape ( Brassica napus )