off-season英 [ɒf 'si:zn] 美 [ˈɔfˌsizən, ˈɑf-]
off-season[ 'ɔf,si:zən, 'ɔ:- ]
- n.the season when travel is least active and rates are lowest
用作名词(n.)- Winter is the low season at seaside hotels.
冬季是海滨旅馆业的淡季。 - The shopping center caved in after a slow season.
用作副词(adv.)- Air fare is cheaper in the low season.
飞机票价在淡季时很便宜。 - Hotels in resorts may go after affluent consumers at the height of their season, then try to attract other groups by advertising lower prices in the off-season.
OFF-SEASONOff-Season.Tourist satisfaction with Mallorca, Spain, as an off-season holiday destination.Application of the CSM-CERES-Maize model for planting date evaluation and yield forecasting for maize grown off-season in a subtropi...Ciclagem de nutrientes por plantas de cobertura na entressafra em um solo de cerrado Nutrient cycling in off-season cover crops on a...Functional movement test scores improve following a standardized off‐season intervention program in professional football playersImpact of Water Stress on Maize Grown Off-Season ...Kiesel, K., et al.: Functional Movement Test Scores Improve Following a Standardized Off-season Intervention Program in Professional...Comparison between different off-season resistance training programs in Division III American college football playersThe Effects of an Off-season Strength and Conditioning Program on Starters and Non-starters in Women's Intercollegiate Volleyball