2025-03-21 05:40:17
英 [ɔf skri:n] 美 [ɔf skrin]
  • adj.


  • 双语例句

    1. We could not take off straight the way because the airmen were practising parachuting, and we took off as soon as the runway was clear.


    Halo: a technique for visualizing off-screen objects
    Computer windows management system and method for simulating off-screen document storage and retrieval
    Wedge:clutter-free visualization of off-screen locations
    Visualizing locations of off-screen objects on mobile devices:a comparative evaluation of three approaches
    Text input methods for eye trackers using off-screen targets
    Text input methods for eye trackers using off-screen targets
    Improving selection of off-screen targets with hopping
    Off-screen realities: A history of labor activism in Hollywood, 1933-1947
    Dynamic visualization of large numbers of off-screen objects on mobile devices:an experimental comparison of wedge and overview+detail



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    public relation... public relations[ˈpʌblik riˈleiʃənz] ...
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    public sectors,... public sectors
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    public servants... public servants ...
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    public toilet,p... public toilet
    public works,pu... public works ...
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