oculated英 ['ɒkjʊleɪtɪd] 美 ['ɒkjʊleɪtɪd]
Probe for sensing moculated signals and method of using samelnduction of Benzoic Acid 2-Hydroxylase in Virus-lnoculated Tobacco 'Nodulation andyield of alfalfa grown in sludge amended soils and in-oculated with rhizobia produced in sludgeClarification and filtration of the floculated partuicles suspension from a chemical treatment of waste oil-in-water emulsions from ...Defense genes, enzym ATI C activity and capsidiol cont ent in CM-334 Chilli pepper in oculated with phytophthora capsiciAntitumor Activity of a Polychlorinated Biphenyl Mixture, Aroclor 1254, in Rats In-oculated With Walker 256 Carcinosarcoma CellsUS-guided needle aspiration and catheter drainage as an alternative to open surgical drainage for uniloculated neck abscesses.Ultrasonographic identification and semiquantitative assessment of unloculated pleural effusions in critically ill patients by resid...The activity of succinatedehydrogenase and cytochromeoxidase in primary culture in oculated Lewis lung carcinoma on various stages o...Changes in total phenolics, ferulic and cinnamic acids content and PAL activity in seedlings of winter oilseed rape in oculated with...