2025-03-23 10:21:34

  • 释义

    [地名] [美国] 奥拜恩;

  • 权威例句

    Pathobionts of the gastrointestinal microbiota and inflammatory disease
    Obionin A: A new polyketide metabolite from the marine fungus leptosphaeria obiones
    Control of pathogens and pathobionts by the gut microbiota.
    Hydrology of the Reelfoot Lake basin, Obion and Lake counties, northwestern Tennessee
    Impact of channelization on wetland habitat in the Obion-Forked Deer Basin, Tennessee
    Radiation of crenobiontic gastropods on an ancient continental island: the Hemistomia-clade in New Caledonia (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae)
    Immuno-microbial pathogenesis of periodontitis: Keystones, pathobionts, and the host response
    Potential effects of dredging the South Fork Obion River on ground-water levels near Sidonia, Weakley County, Tennessee
    Bioerosion or bioaccumulation? Shelf‐slope trends for EPI‐ and endobionts on experimentally deployed gastropod shells
    The organization of Mastigamoeba schizophrenia n. sp.: more evidence of ultrastructural idiosyncrasy and simplicity in pelobiont pro...



    put someone out... put someone out to pasture英 [put ˈsʌmwʌn aut tu: ˈ...
    put someone to ... put someone to death英 [put ˈsʌmwʌn tu: deθ] 美 [pʊt...
    put someone's f... put someone's finger on
    put someone up,... put someone up英 [put ˈsʌmwʌn ʌp] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmˌwʌn ʌ...
    put someone on ... put someone on to英 [put ˈsʌmwʌn ɔn tu:] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌ...
    put someone's h... put someone's hands on
    put something a... put something away英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ əˈwei] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌ...
    put something b... put something back英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ bæk] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθ...
    put someone's f... put someone's foot in someone's mouth
    put something d... put something down英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ daun] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌm...
    put something o... put something on英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ ɔn] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪŋ ...
    put something t... put something to good use
    put something o... put something out英 [put ˈsʌmθiŋ aut] 美 [pʊt ˈsʌmθɪ...
    put stress on,p... put stress on
    put the axe in ... put the axe in the helve英 [put ðə æks in ðə helv] ...
    put the kibosh ... put the kibosh on英 [put ðə ˈkaibɔʃ ɔn] 美 [pʊt ði ˈ...
    put the cart be... put the cart before the horse英 [put ðə kɑ:t biˈfɔ:...
    put theory into... put theory into practice
    put the screw o... put the screw on ...
    put to rout,put... put to rout英 [put tu: raʊt] 美 [pʊt tu raʊt] ...