push英 [pʊʃ] 美 [pʊʃ]
vt.& vi.推,推动;
(动词)- vt. & vi. 推,推动 use sudden or steady pressure in order to move sb/sth forward, away from oneself, or to a different position
- vt. 对…施加压力,按 exert pressure on sth
- vt. 逼迫,驱策,敦促 try to make sb do sth
(名词)- [C]推 act of pushing; shove
- [C]大规模攻势 large-scale attack made to break through enemy positions
- [U]毅力,推动力 determination to succeed; drive
- n.
- the act of applying force in order to move something away
"he gave the door a hard push"; "the pushing is good exercise"
- the force used in pushing
"the push of the water on the walls of the tank"
- enterprising or ambitious drive
- an electrical switch operated by pressing
"the elevator was operated by push buttons"; "the push beside the bed operated a buzzer at the desk"
同义词:push buttonbutton
- an effort to advance
"the army made a push toward the sea"
- v.
- move with force,
"He pushed the table into a corner"
- press, drive, or impel (someone) to action or completion of an action
"He pushed her to finish her doctorate"
同义词:bear on
- make publicity for; try to sell (a product)
"The salesman is aggressively pushing the new computer model"
- strive and make an effort to reach a goal
"We have to push a little to make the deadline!"
- press against forcefully without moving
"she pushed against the wall with all her strength"
- approach a certain age or speed
"She is pushing fifty"
- exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for
"The liberal party pushed for reforms"; "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
- sell or promote the sale of (illegal goods such as drugs)
"The guy hanging around the school is pushing drugs"
- move strenuously and with effort
"The crowd pushed forward"
- make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby
"`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"
用作动词 (v.)~+名词- push a matter办完一件事
- push business从事商业
- push button按按钮
- push car推车
- push cart推手推车
- push claims坚持要求
- push door推门
- push drawer推上抽屉
- push enemy对敌人发起进攻
- push friend推荐朋友
- push national economy推动国民经济发展
- push one's luck作轻率的冒险
- push one's way挤过去
- push person推人
- push plan推行计划
- push preparation推动准备工作
- push product推销产品
- push sb's nose干涉别人的事
- push scientific research推进科学研究
- push the panic button吓坏了
- push thirty快三十岁了
- push war把战争推进
~+副词- push actively积极推行
- push adroitly巧妙推行
- push cautiously谨慎推行
- push easily易推
- push instinctively自然地伸展
- push laboriously吃力地推动
- push mechanically机械地推
- push presumptuously专横地推行
- push rudely粗鲁地推
- push sententiously说教式地催促
- push superciliously不顾一切地推行
- push unceremoniously不太讲究地推动
- push uncompromisingly不妥协地推
- push vigorously强有力地推行
- push about驱使
- push across解释清楚,说明
- push oneself ahead努力向前
- push ahead with work推进工作
- push along继续前进
- push around摆布
- push aside推开
- push away推开
- push back推迟
- push down推倒某物
- push forward努力前进
- push in推入,塞入
- push way in挤进
- push off离开,动身,出发
- push off in boat乘小船离岸
- push on继续往前走,进行
- push on to推进到
- push out推出,发出(芽)
- push over推倒
- push through挤过
- push through reform完成改革
- push up推进
- push up against用力推
- push up against the door用力推门
~+介词- push against推
- push against the door推门
- push against fence推篱笆
- push at the doorbell按门铃
- push by crowd从人群中间挤过去
- push for争取,一再强烈要求
- push for better working conditions争取改善工作条件
- push for payment催付款
- push for reform力主改革
- push into使推入,奋力挤进…
- push out of way挤出来
- push through挤过
- push through crowd挤过人群
- push to〔toward〕逼到,向…移动
- push to last extremity推向极端
- push sb to wall把某人逼至绝境
- push with all might全力推进
用作名词 (n.)动词+~- bring to the push使陷入危机
- climax push到了紧要关头
- come to push临到紧急关头,陷入绝境,陷入危机
- get the push被解雇
- give sb hard push有力地推动某人
- have the push有劲头
- make push奋斗
- require push要求奋斗
- resist push努力抵制
形容词+~- big push大规模攻势
- desperate push令人绝望的时刻
- economic push经济攻势
- enough push劲头十足
- hard push用力一推
- slight push轻轻一推
- sudden push突然一推
- vigorous push有力的推进
- zealous push积极的促进
名词+~~+名词- push button按钮
- push filter填土机
介词+~- at push危机之际,(在)紧急时,不得已时
- at push for money因缺钱而面临危机
- at one push一堆,一气,一下子
- by push用力推
- to the push临到紧急关头
- with one push用力推
~+介词- push for在…关头
- push of有干劲的
- push on the western front在西线发动猛攻
push oneself鞭策自己;发愤;自强;加劲
push forward推进;抓紧进行
push for奋力争取
push up增加;提高;向上推
push on推进;推动;努力向前
push through完成;挤著穿过
push ahead向前推进
push back把…向后推;推回
push rod制动缸推杆;推棒;顶杆
push out拉出,排出;推出去
push in推进,闯入
push button按钮
push ahead with推进;推动
push the button按下按钮
push and pull推与拉
push down下推;叠加
push off推迟;离开
push against推,推撞;推挤
push into推进;推动(做某事)
push away推开
thrust, propel, shove, push
further, promote, contribute, push, advance
用作动词(v.)- The little boy pushed the door open.
小男孩把门推开了。 - They jeep is too heavy for him to push.
吉普车太重,他推不动。 - You may push this button to call the elevator.
你可以按这个按钮叫电梯。 - We had to push our way through the crowd.
我们得从人群中挤过去。 - Don't push him hard for a settlement.
别太逼他给你解决的办法 - You'd better not push me for an answer to your request.
用作名词(n.)- He opened the door with one push.
他一推门就开了。 - It only needed a push and the whole building will come tumble down.
只要稍稍一推,那整幢房子就会倒塌下来。 - Let's make a push to get it done tonight.
让我们加把劲今晚把它干完。 - She has the push to get to the top.
The use of push-pull strategies in integrated pest management结构静力弹塑性分析(push-over)方法的改进An Analysis of Push and Pull Factors in the Migration of Rural Workers in ChinaMatrix-insensitive protein assays push the limits of biosensors in medicine.Large first hyperpolarizabilities in push-pull polyenes by tuning of the bond length alternation and aromaticity.The Allocation of Inventory Risk in a Supply Chain: Push, Pull, and Advance-Purchase Discount ContractsThe Allocation of Inventory Risk in a Supply Chain: Push, Pull, and Advance-Purchase Discount ContractsA randomized trial comparing wireless capsule endoscopy with push enteroscopy for the detection of small-bowel lesions ☆Wireless capsule endoscopy: a comparison with push enteroscopy in patients with gastroscopy and colonoscopy negative gastrointestina...The first prospective controlled trial comparing wireless capsule endoscopy with push enteroscopy in chronic gastrointestinal bleeding