punctiform英 ['pʌŋktɪfɔ:m] 美 ['pʌŋktəfɔm]
punctiformThe Punctiform Technique in Hair Transplantation.Punctiform and polychromatic pre-Descemet's dominant corneal dystrophyOptics and the theory of the punctiform etherPunctiform initiation of seafloor spreading in the Red Sea during transition from a continental to an oceanic riftRaster scanning light microscope with punctiform light source distribution and applicationsPunctiform initiation of seaflor spreading in the Red Sea during transition froma continental to an oceanic rift. Nature, 316: 33-37Potentials evoked in cat cerebral cortex by diffuse and by punctiform photic stimuliDEVICE AND SUPPORT SHEET FOR THE PUNCTIFORM REPRESENTATION OF GRAPHICAL INFORMATION WHICH MAY BE READ BY TOUCHRotary nozzle with punctiform jet for high pressure cleaner device - has pin inclined to rotary axis of turbine rotor with freely ro...